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The Dresden Dolls

Album Intro
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Singer Intro

Album name:Yes Virginia(純真無罪)

★音樂權威All Music Guide網站四顆星高分評價專輯

對於聽慣重鹹濕搖滾金屬猛重抨擊的樂迷們來說,品牌觀念在於區分自我口味是否正中胃口而慢慢建立,孕育金屬/硬蕊/龐克等風格,宣洩狂放不羈美式搖滾的Roadrunner Records,已漸漸在全球粉絲們心中奠定出鮮明樂派形象,也許你會對廠牌旗下搖滾樂團感到陌生,但是一得知其所屬唱片公司,立刻信心大增(或是大減)的列為結帳目標。旗下有Nickelback/五分錢樂團、Slipknot/滑結樂團、Soulfly/飛靈樂團、Cradle Of Filth/惡靈天皇樂團、Machine Head/機械頭樂團等知名大團相繼入籍,今日出場Roadrunner年度力捧主角The Dresden Dolls,雖然沒有那些典型直衝腦門金屬重擊的快感,但卻符合公司旗下眾樂團獨具另類獨立搖滾特色,散放一股引人入勝新鮮音感。
來自美國波士頓的The Dresden Dolls,由主唱/鋼琴手Amanda Palmer及鼓手/吉他/合音Brian Viglione兩人於2000年中期所組成,是一對情侶組合,也許已有很多人開始懷疑這兩人樂團能把玩出什麼樣的音樂,只有兩人的編制會不會稍嫌勢力單薄,也會馬上聯想到Jack與Meg White(姐弟)組成的The White Stripes/白線條樂團?!他們深受德式音樂及藝術影響,自創為德國Brechtian短劇式龐克搖滾樂,妝扮及服飾像極了默劇時期造型,哥德式的詭異曲調,點出兩位結合音樂與戲劇獨特冷調表現。顛覆一般樂團及歌手發片邏輯,2003年首張獨立廠牌作品《A Is For Accident》,卻是張現場演出特輯,直到隔年推出同名專輯《The Dresden Dolls》,才正式讓世人見識到他倆大搞音樂之能事。
贏得Roadrunner Records青睞簽入旗下後問世新碟《Yes,Virginia》,請來搖滾界金牌製作人Sean Slade(Radiohead、Dinosaur Jr.、Hole)以及Paul Q. Kolderie(The Pixies、The Lemonhead、The Go-Go's)合力負責掌舵。以急促琴鍵之音夾雜強烈鼓擊開場<Sex Changes>,搭配Amanda聲音表情豐富牽引下,一齣戲劇般的音樂圖像即刻上映;長達近七分鐘的<Delilar>,轉折帶入層次分明情緒,猶如精靈般四處散發迷人暈眩線條,吐露Tori Amos加上Kate Bush媚惑般淒美聆聽感動;〈Mrs.O〉在Amanda令人捉模不透行徑的女子演繹下,表現出如同鬼靈精怪音樂才女Bjork聲音質感;充滿戲劇張力的〈Mandy Goes To Med School〉,藉著琴鍵輕重力度彈奏勾勒一幅幅生動景象,The Dresden Dolls要你在他們最簡單音樂配置下,感受最具搖滾興味之大不簡單樂曲音符!

專輯名稱源自1897年New York Sun一篇名為『Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus』的專文,當時一位名為Virginia 的女孩投書詢問耶誕老人是否存在引起轟動,該團以此當作專輯名稱。


The continued buzz -and a fanbase that grows exponentially as the band tours- is setting the stage for sheer Doll-Mania when their sophomore album Yes, Virginia is unleashed on the public. While the instrumentation lives up to that of their debut, the band took more of a rock approach to the recording process this time around. On this album, The Dresden Dolls came out with something very modern yet totally unique, taking the world stage and tearing down the curtain particularly in their stunning lead single, 'Sing'. They rip holes in the veneer of rock music and create their own rules, rhyme and reason. Yes, Virginia is a one-hour outburst that captures this notion; never pretty, never laminated...The Dresden Dolls provide a real-life soundtrack fit for bewildered children of all ages. Roadrunner. 2006.